Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain with functional...
Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing M.sub.2 protein of influenza
Saccharomyces strains for maltose fermentation
Saprophytic yeast, Pichia anomala
Sapstain control method using Mariannaea elegans
Schizochytrium and thraustochytrium strains for producing...
Screen for inhibitors of fungal IPC synthase
Secretion sequence for the production of a heterologous protein
Selection media for beauveriolide I or beauveriolide III and...
Self-delimiting fungal mutants, bioherbicidal compositions there
Self-supporting carrier-free cell granulates for combating pests
Sensitive bioassay for detecting agonists of the aryl...
SMRT co-repressors, transcriptional co-repressors that...
SMRT co-repressors, transcriptional co-repressors that...
Sodium tolerance genes derived from schizosaccharomyces pombe
Spheroplast fusions of Phaffia rhodozyma cells
Squalene synthetase inhibitors and processes therefrom
Stereoselective reductive amination of ketones
Sterile aerobic fermentation process
Strain of Hansenulla californica yeast used for the...