GAL1 yeast promoter linked to non galactokinase gene
Ganoderma lucidum KCCM 10045 which produces proteoglycan (G009)
Gene encoding the human homolog of MAD2
Gene for human epidermal growth factor and synthesis and express
Gene involved in thiophene biotransformation from nocardia...
Genes conferring on yeasts a resistance to herbicides
Genes encoding a novel family of potassium channels
Genes which influence pichia proteolytic activity, and uses ther
Genes which influence pichia proteolytic activity, and uses ther
Genes which influence Pichia proteolytic activity, and uses ther
Genetic assays and strains using human TP53
Genetically engineered eukaryotic organism capable of detecting
Genetically engineered transmissible hypovirulence
Genetically engineered yeast and mutants thereof for the...
Genetically modified yeast species and fermentation...
Genetically modified yeast strain
Glucan compositions and process for preparation thereof
Glucose-induced inactivation/degradation-resistant...
Growth media for entomophthoralean hyphal bodies
Gylceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene and promoter