Use of MOLT4 CD69 expression to determine the presence and activ
Use of monoclonal antibodies to distinguish protein...
Use of multiple recombination sites with unique specificity...
Use of multiple recombination sites with unique specificity...
Use of multipotent neural stem cells and their progeny for...
Use of multivalent inorganic cations in the electrochemical trea
Use of multivalent inorganic cations in the electrochemical trea
Use of NAALADase activity to identify prostate cancer and benign
Use of NADPH and NADH analogs in the measurement of enzyme activ
Use of nanosecond scale, time-resolved, imaging to...
Use of nernstein voltage sensitive dyes in measuring...
Use of nernstein voltage sensitive dyes in measuring...
Use of Nernstein voltage sensitive dyes in measuring...
Use of neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein (NAIP)
Use of neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein (NAIP)
Use of non-hybridizable nucleic acids for the detection of nucle
Use of nonmetallic tetrapyrrole molecules and novel signal solut
Use of novel L-glutamic acid oxidase
Use of NRG4, or inhibitors thereof, in the treatment of...
Use of nuclear magnetic resonance to design ligands to target bi