Analysis element and method for analyzing glycated hemoglobin co
Apparatus for combined assay for current glucose level and...
Chromatographic method for determination of glycated proteinaceo
Compositions and method for correcting temperature dependence of
Determination of % glycated hemoglobin
Determination of % glycated hemoglobin
Determination of glycosilated hemoglobin
Device and method for determining a characteristic of a fluid sa
Electrical connector
Eliminating agent for glycosylated hemoglobin and a test method
Filter paper treatment for improved diagnostic assays
Fluorescent assay
Glycated proteins assay
Glycohemoglobin determination
Hemoglobin marker of alcoholism
Ion-exchange system and method for isolation and determination o
Labelled boronic acid derivatives
Lithium salts as red blood cell lysing and hemoglobin denaturing
Means for determining percentage of glycohemoglobin in whole blo
Method and apparatus for determination of glycosylated protein