Trench MOSFET with cell layout, ruggedness, truncated corners
Trench MOSFET with embedded junction barrier Schottky diode
Trench mosfet with field relief feature
Trench MOSFET with heavily doped delta layer to provide low on-
Trench MOSFET with implanted drift region
Trench MOSFET with increased channel density
Trench MOSFET with integrated schottky device and process...
Trench MOSFET with low gate charge
Trench MOSFET with multi-resistivity drain to provide low on-res
Trench MOSFET with recessed clamping diode using graded doping
Trench MOSFET with reduced Miller capacitance
Trench MOSFET with structure having low gate charge
Trench MOSFET with terraced gate and manufacturing method...
Trench MOSFET with trench gates underneath contact areas of...
Trench MOSFET with trench source contact having copper wire...
Trench MOSFET with trench tip implants
Trench MOSFET with trenched floating gates as termination
Trench non-volatile memory cell
Trench optical device
Trench photosensor for a CMOS imager