Solid-state memory with magnetic storage cells
Solution routes to metal oxide films through ester elimination r
Space and process efficient MRAM and method
Spin transistor and manufacturing method thereof
Spin-current switched magnetic memory element suitable for...
Spin-dependent tunnelling cell and method of formation thereof
Stable high-dielectric-constant material electrode and method
Stacked ferroelectric memory device and method of making same
Stacked memory cell having diffusion barriers
Stepped structure for a multi-rank, stacked polymer memory...
Structure and manufacturing method of semiconductor memory...
Structure and method for fabricating cladded conductive...
Structure and method for manipulating spin quantum state...
Structure and method for transverse field enhancement
Structure and method to fabricate high performance MTJ...
Structure of and manufacturing method for semiconductor...
Structure of merged vertical capacitor inside spiral...
Structure/method to fabricate a high-performance magnetic...
Subtractive stud formation for MRAM manufacturing
Switchable resistive perovskite microelectronic device with...