Laser annealing of complex metal oxides (CMO) memory...
Lead titanate isolation layers for use in fabricating PZT-based
Lightly donor doped electrodes for high-dielectric-constant...
Liquid composition for forming ferroelectric thin film and...
Low imprint ferroelectric material for long retention memory...
Low remanence flux concentrator for MRAM devices
Low temperature chemical vapor deposition process for...
Low temperature chemical vapor deposition process for...
Low temperature chemical vapor deposition process for...
Low temperature CVD processes for preparing ferroelectric...
Low temperature deposition of complex metal oxides (CMO)...
Low temperature melt-processing of organic-inorganic hybrid
Low temperature oxidizing method of making a layered...
Low temperature process for fabricating layered superlattice...
Low thermal budget fabrication of ferroelectric memory using...
Low-temperature processing of a ferroelectric strontium...