System and method for modulating pressure in an alkali-vapor...
System and method for narrow band PLL tuning
System and method for offsetting load switching transients in a
System and method for partitioning a system timing reference...
System and method for phase lock loop gain stabilization
System and method for phase-locked loop (PLL) for high-speed...
System and method for phase-locked loop initialization
System and method for phase-locked loop leak compensation
System and method for providing master and slave...
System and method for reducing the lock time of a phase...
System and method for simulating the noise characteristics...
System and method for synchronizing multiple phase-lock...
System and method for time dithering a digitally-controlled...
System and method for tuning output drivers using voltage...
System and method for tuning output drivers using voltage...
System and method for voltage controlled oscillator automatic ba
System and method for wide dynamic range clock recovery
System and method for wideband, continuous tuning of an oscillat
System and method to adjust voltage
System for adjusting frequency of electrical output pulses...