Stable suspensions of boron, phosphorus, antimony and arsenic do
Steel coil cutting apparatus and method
Steel cutting system and method
Steel cutting system and method
Steel for cold plastic working
Steel hardening method
Steel having excellent vibration attenuation performance and met
Steel rod rolling process
Strip buried heterostructure laser
Stripped nitride MOS/MNOS process
Substrate for silicon solar cells
Surface corrosion inhibition of zirconium alloys by laser surfac
Surface hardening of cams of motor-vehicle camshafts
Surface treatment method for titanium or titanium alloy
Surface treatment of III-V compound crystals
Technique for doping from a polysilicon transfer layer
Technique for making asymmetric thyristors
Technique for passivating semiconductor devices
Technique for threshold control over edges of devices on silicon
Temper-stressed oil well casing