Macchiato coffee concentrate system
Machine and process for aerating and flavoring water
Machine for making complete tea bags for infusion in a liquid in
Macromineral dietary factors in ruminant nutrition
Magnesium salt of a fatty acid acyl lactylate
Magnet beverage treatment
Magnetic alignment system for scraped-surface heat exchanger...
Magnetic method for extending the shelf life of food products
Magnifying lollipop
Maintenance of flavor intensity in pressed tablets
Maintenance of protein quality in foods containing reducing suga
Making a natural food peanut punch
Making beverage mixes and the product thereof
Making corn products
Making dry coffee aroma gas with improved aroma characteristics
Making long yolk hard cooked eggs
Malodors reduction
Malolactic fermentation of wine
Malt beverage having stabilized flavor and methods of...
Malt beverage process