Particulate creamer comprising fat and food compositions...
Particulate dog food palatability enhancer and process
Particulate food acidulant
Particulate lactose-starch hydrolysate based flavoring materials
Pasty mass of a processed tuber and an edible outer cover and me
Pelleting agent having energy value
Powder composition for soft drink
Powder product and a method for its preparation
Powder- and tablet-form salt- and fat-containing food products
Preparation of a composition based on a finely divided active pr
Preparation of a granular food product
Preparation of crude chocolate powder and products therefrom
Preparation of granular food product for instant food preparatio
Preparing cheese slices that do not adhere
Preventing the Maillard reaction in synthetic dietary compositio
Process for dehydrating potato products
Process for encapsulating liquid acids and product
Process for making encapsulated sensory agents
Process for making french fried potatoes
Process for making particle embedded food products