IL-21 variants
IL-4 and IL-10 to downregulate delayed-type hypersensitivity and
IL-4 receptor for the therapy, prophylaxis and diagnosis of...
IL-6 as serum uric acid decreasing compound
IL-7 to stimulate platelet production
IL1-β Binding antibodies and fragments thereof
IL13 mutants
IL6RIL6 chimera for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
IL8 inhibitors
Immersion method for treating aquatic animals
Immune cell cytokine
Immune cell proliferation inhibitors
Immune cell proliferation inhibitors
Immune globulin specific to Group B streptococci
Immune lymphokine-mediated control of Salmonellosis in swine
Immune response to virus induced by anti-idiotype antibodies
Immune system stabilizers for prevention and therapy of disorder
Immunization against Babesiosis using purified merozoite surface
Immunization against dental caries with glucosyltransferase anti
Immunization against Group B streptococci