Tailoring piezoelectric properties using MgxZn1-xO/ZnO...
Tamper-proof electronic coatings
Tantalum amide complexes for depositing tantalum-containing...
Tantalum and niobium compounds and their use for chemical...
Tantalum capacitor impregnation process
Tantalum-gallium arsenide Schottky barrier semiconductor device
Targets for use in photoconductive image pickup tubes
Technique for mass production of coded surface acoustic wave dev
Technique for promoting the solderability of a metal surface
Technique for the application and cure of photosensitive paints
Technique for thin insulator growth
Technique of silicon epitaxial refill
Temperature compensated acoustic surface wave device
Temperature measurement and control for photohermal processes
Tendon prosthesis
Terminal electrode forming method in chip-style electronic...
Thallous halide materials for use in cryogenic applications
Thermal barrier coating system
Thermal conductor assembly method
Thermal cracking process and furnace elements