Kainate-binding human CNS receptors of the EAA1 family
Kluyveromyces as a host strain
L-phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase mutants, a process for the prepar
L5 shuttle phasmids
Lactate dehydrogenase mutants of Streptococcus mutans
Lactic acid bacterial suppressor mutants and their use as select
Large DNA cloning system based on yeast artificial chromosomes
Leader sequence inducing a post-translational modification of po
Light activated acyl-enzymes
Lipopolyamines, their preparation and their use
Live vaccines comprising two mutations and foreign antigen
Localization of a therapeutic agent in a cell in vitro
Luciferase gene and novel recombinant DNA as well as a method of
Lysine-insensitive maize dihydrodipicolinic acid synthase
Macrolide biosynthetic genes for use in streptomyces and other o
Magneto-biolistic methods
Magnetophoretic particle delivery method and apparatus for the t
Malolactic gene
Mammalian artificial chromosomes
Mammalian cell-based DNA libraries