Optically active compounds having plural chiral centers and prod
Optically active substituted butyramide, and process for the opt
Optimally labeled oligonucleotides
Optimization of coronatine production in a genetically...
Optimized bacterial host strains of Methylomonas sp. 16a
Optimized recognition site of the alphavirus non-structural...
Oral delivery of peptides using enzyme-cleavable membrane...
Ordered gene assembly
Organic acid producing microorganism and process for...
Organic anion transport proteins
Organic anion transporting (oat)-like protein UST3-LIKE1 and...
Orphan receptor
Osmotic agents for peritoneal dialysis
Osmotically controlled fermentation process for the preparation
OspA DNA and lyme disease vaccine
OspE, OspF, and S1 polypeptides in borrelia burgdorferi
Osteoactivin protein and nucleic acids encoding the same,...
Osteoblast-testicular protein tyrosine phosphatase
Ovary-tissue transcriptional factors