M-GAL: a Gal gene switch-based suite of methods protein...
M6P/IGF-II receptor tumor suppressor gene
Macromolecular arrays on polymeric brushes and methods for...
Macromolecule delivery method and composition
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) promoter...
Magnetic bead precipitation method
Magnetic field enhanced hybridization of target molecules to...
Magnetic isolation and purification of nucleic acids
Magnetic separation device and methods for use in heterogeneous
Maize cytoplasmic male sterility type T (cms-T) mitochondria DNA
Maize glutathione-S-transferase enzymes
Maize glutathione-S-transferase enzymes
Male infertility Y-deletion detection battery
Male infertility y-deletion detection battery
Malignant human cell transformation detection method
Mammalian and human FXI-T1
Mammalian and human REC2
Mammalian anoxia-responsive regulatory element
Mammalian checkpoint genes and proteins
Mammalian DNA primase screen and activity modulating agents