P15 and tyrosinase melanoma antigens and their use in diagnostic
P450 single nucleotide polymorphism biochip analysis
P53-induced apoptosis
P53-regulated genes
P53-regulated genes
Padlock probe detection
Paired end sequencing
Pancreas-derived serpin
Pancreas-derived serpin
Pancreas-derived serpin
Pancreatic cancer genes
Pancreatic cancer genes
Papillomavirus probe and process for in vitro diagnosis of papil
Parallel chromosomal stacking of traits in bacteria
Parallel combinatorial approach to the discovery and...
Parallel genotyping of multiple patient samples
Parallel or antiparallel, homologous or complementary...
Parallel or antiparallel, homologous or complementary...
Parallel polymorphism scoring by amplification and error...
Parallel polynucleotide sequencing method