Apparatus and method for detecting nucleic acid amplification pr
Apparatus and method for detecting samples labeled with...
Apparatus and method for drug screening
Apparatus and method for intracavity sensing of microscopic prop
Apparatus and method for isolating a nucleic acid from a sample
Apparatus and method for lysing bacterial spores to facilitate t
Apparatus and method for nucleic acid isolation using supercriti
Apparatus and method for selectively ranking sequences for...
Apparatus and method for separating and purifying...
Apparatus and method for separating ribonucleic acid
Apparatus and method for separating viral particles from cells
Apparatus and method for separating viral particles from cells
Apparatus and method for separating viral particles from cells
Apparatus and method for the analysis of nucleic acids...
Apparatus and method for the detection and assay of organic mole
Apparatus and method for the generation, separation,...
Apparatus and method for transfer of a fluid sample
Apparatus and method for transport of nucleic acid sequences by
Apparatus and method of analyzing nucleic acid molecules
Apparatus and method of detection employing an AC frequency sens