Octanucleotide restriction endonuclease, Srf I, and method for p
Octanucleotide restriction endonuclease, Srf I, and method for p
One-step cephalosporin C amidase enzyme
Organic-chemical compound with ice-inhibitory action
Orpinomyces cellulase CelE protein and coding sequences
Orpinomyces cellulase celf protein and coding sequences
Orpinomyces xylanase proteins and coding sequences
Overexpression of phytase genes in yeast systems
Overexpression of phytase genes in yeast systems
Overexpression of phytase genes in yeast systems
Overexpression of phytase genes in yeast systems
Overexpression of recombinant bacteriophage T4 endonuclease VII
Oxaloacetate hydrolase deficient fungal host cells
Oxidation stable detergent enzymes
Oxidatively stable alpha-amylase
Oxidativley stable alpha-amylase
Oxidized phospholipid degrading enzyme and gene thereof