Method of coating superconductor particles by plating of...
Method of conveyor production of high temperature superconductor
Method of decoupling an HTc superconductive multifilament strand
Method of deforming a biaxially textured buffer layer on a textu
Method of depositing a superconductor layer on a substrate throu
Method of depositing an electrically conductive oxide buffer...
Method of depositing epitaxial layers on a substrate
Method of depositing monomolecular layers
Method of fabricating a (1223) Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O superconductor
Method of fabricating a superconducting junction using cubic YBa
Method of fabricating a superconductive flexible ceramic conduct
Method of fabricating oxide superconducting films by laser depos
Method of fabricating oxide superconducting films by laser depos
Method of fabricating thallium-containing ceramic superconductor
Method of fabricating thin film superconducting materials
Method of fabricating Tl or Hg-containing oxide superconductor f
Method of forming a high-TC microbridge superconductor device
Method of forming a superconductor
Method of forming a superconductor coplanar waveguide
Method of forming a superconductor film