Method and apparatus for isotope-selectively exciting gaseous or
Method and apparatus for measuring vapor flow in isotope separat
Method and apparatus for nanometer-scale focusing and...
Method and apparatus for producing a stream of ionic aluminum
Method and apparatus for producing atomic flows of molecular...
Method and apparatus for producing bright high resolution ion be
Method and apparatus for producing ions by surface ionization of
Method and apparatus for producing negative ions
Method and apparatus for separating isotopes
Method and apparatus for suppressing electron generation in a va
Method and apparatus for surface ionization monitor for particul
Method and apparatus for the characterization and analysis...
Method and apparatus surface ionization particulate detectors
Method and apparatus to produce gas phase analyte ions
Method and apparatus to produce ions and nanodrops from...
Method and device for excitation and selective dissociation by a
Method and instruments for the on-line detection, sizing or...
Method and system for extracting ion beams composed of...
Method for analyzing the mass of a sample using a cold...
Method for generating a boron vapor