Digital spread spectrum frequency synthesizer
Digital symbol timing recovery network
Digital synchronous circuit for stably generating output...
Digital timing recovery method for communication receivers
Digital transmission apparatus and methods
Digital transmission system comprising decision means for changi
Digital Transmit phase trimming
Digital transmit phase trimming
Digital word representative of a non-integer ratio between...
Digital-to-analog DAC-driven phase-locked loop PLL with...
Digital/analog bit synchronizer
Digitally controlled circuit for reducing the phase...
Digitally controlled high resolution hybrid phase synthesizer
Digitally controlled oscillator having enhanced control...
Digitally implemented phase and lock indicators for a bit synchr
Digitally phase modulated clock inhibiting reduced RF emissions
Digitally-synthesized loop filter method and circuit...
Direct digital synthesizer based on delay line with sorted taps
Direct digital synthesizer with high resolution tracker
Direct modulation architecture for amplitude and phase...