Production of recombinant polypeptides by bovine species and tra
Production of recombinant proteins in semen
Production of somatic mosaicism in mammals using a...
Propagation of human hepatocytes in non-human animals
Propagation of human hepatocytes in non-human mammals
Prostate specific regulatory nucleic acid sequences and transgen
Protein C production in non-human transgenic mammals
Protein tyrosine phosphate-1B (PTP-1B) deficient mice and...
Protogyny in Zea mays
Rabbit model for diagnosing and testing vaccines or therapeutic
Ransgenic non-human animals for producing heterologous antibodie
Rat comprising straight filaments in its brain
Receptor-deficient mice and cell lines derived therefrom,...
Recombinant promoters in avian cells
Recombination activating gene deficient mouse
Regulators of G-protein signalling
Regulatory elements controlling tissue-specific gene expression
Repopulation of testicular seminiferous tubules with foreign...
Rodent HER2 tumor model
Rodent model for Parkinson's Disease