Transgenic animal model for catecholaminergic polymorphic...
Transgenic animal model for degenerative diseases of cartilage
Transgenic animal model for neurodegenerative disorders
Transgenic animal whose expression of the opiate receptors...
Transgenic animal with monocyte chemotactic protein 1 promoter
Transgenic animal with recombinant vascular endothelial...
Transgenic animals
Transgenic animals and lats genes
Transgenic animals and uses thereof
Transgenic animals as model of psoriasis
Transgenic animals as urinary bioreactors for the production...
Transgenic animals bearing human Igλ light chain genes
Transgenic animals capable of replicating hepatitis viruses and
Transgenic animals expressing chimeric antibodies for use in...
Transgenic animals expressing light-emitting fusion proteins...
Transgenic animals expressing salivary proteins
Transgenic animals for producing specific isotypes of human...
Transgenic animals for studying regulation of genes
Transgenic animals for the determination of agents which stimula
Transgenic animals overexpressing MDM2