Sampler and method of measuring a waveform of a current with...
Saturation detection circuits
Scan method and topology for capacitive sensing
Scan method and topology for capacitive sensing
Scanning capacitance device for film thickness mapping...
Screening for electrical conductivity of molecules by...
Sealed mechanical configuration for electronic calipers for reli
Security scanners with capacitance and magnetic sensor arrays
Security scanners with capacitance and magnetic sensor arrays
Self-adapting method for inhibiting corrosion of a component...
Self-balancing reflectometer
Self-bootstrapping transducer interface
Self-calibrating corrosion measurement field device with...
Self-calibrating driver for charging a capacitive load to a...
Self-tuning and compensating turn fault detector
Semiconductor device
Semiconductor device and method for measuring analog channel...
Semiconductor device and method of checking semiconductor...
Semiconductor device and method of measuring sheet...
Semiconductor device including fuse and method for testing...