Degradable animal chewing article possessing enhanced...
Degradable heterobifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates
Degradable heterobifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates
Degradable poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels with controlled...
Delayed release pharmaceutical formulation containing amoxycilli
Delivery device for zero-order release of an active principle in
Delivery matrices prepared by solid-state dissolution
Delivery of controlled-release system (s)
Delivery of controlled-release system(s)
Delivery of controlled-release system(s)
Delivery of controlled-release system(s)
Delivery of controlled-release systems(s)
Delivery of physiological agents with in-situ gels...
Delivery of therapeutic agents to receptors using polysaccharide
Delivery systems for functional ingredients
Dendrimer and an active substance occluded in the dendrimer, a p
Dendrimeric compounds
Dendrimeric support or carrier macromolecule
Dendritic polymers with enhanced amplification and interior...
Dendritic polymers with enhanced amplification and interior...