Tablet shapes to enhance gastric retention of swellable...
Tablets or biologically acceptable implants for long-term antiin
Targeting of therapeutic agents using polysaccharides
Taste masked aqueous liquid pharmaceutical composition
Tastemasked pharmaceutical materials
Temperature controlled solute delivery system
Temperature controlled solute delivery system
Temperature sensitive gel for sustained delivery of protein drug
Temperature sensitive gel for sustained delivery of protein...
Therapeutic treatment and prevention of infections with a...
Thermo-gelling composition
Thermogelling oligopeptide polymers
Thermoplastic articles exhibiting high surface-available silver
Thermoplastic polymer composition and medical devices made of th
Thermosensitive and biodegradable microgel and a method for...
Thermosensitive biodegradable hydrogels for sustained...
Thickener-rheology modifier system for personal care...
Three-dimensional polymer matrices
Time-release delivery matrix composition and corresponding contr
Tooth whitening formulation and method