Method and system for coating internal surfaces of...
Method comprising removal of material from a diamond film
Method for chemical vapor infiltration of refractory...
Method for coating a substrate with diamond film
Method for coating diamond-like carbon on head drums of a video
Method for densification of ceramic materials
Method for depositing a hard, fine-grained, non-columnar alloy o
Method for fabricating ceramic matrix composite
Method for fabricating diamond films on nondiamond substrates an
Method for forming a silicon carbide film
Method for forming a two-layered carbide surface on a ferrous-al
Method for forming interphase layers in ceramic matrix...
Method for forming silicon carbide film containing oxygen
Method for forming smooth self limiting and pin hole free SiC fi
Method for liquid delivery chemical vapor deposition of carbide
Method for making a coated cutting tool
Method for making a composite body coated with one or more layer
Method for making a diamond/carbon/carbon composite useful as an
Method for making a highly stable diamond film on a substrate
Method for making a part of composite material with ceramic...