Microwave-assisted peptide synthesis
Microwave-assisted peptide synthesis
Microwave-assisted peptide synthesis
Mild solid-phase synthesis of aligned branched triple-helical pe
Mimetic insect allatostatin analogs for insect control
Mimetic peptides for an epitope of apolipoprotein B-100,...
Mimetics of senescent cell derived inhibitors of DNA synthesis
Mimotopes and anti-mimotopes of human platelet glycoprotein...
Mimotopes and anti-mimotopes of human platelet glycoprotein...
Mimotopes of human Platelet glycoprotein Ib/IX
Mimotopes of hypervariable region 1 of the E2 glycoprotein...
Minimization of blooming in high-density arrays by using...
Mitogen-activated protein kinase p38-2 and methods of use theref
Mitogenic peptides
Mixture of peptides derived from E6 and/or E7 papillomavirus...
MN gene and protein
MNTF peptides and compositions and methods of use
Modification method for peptides and proteins by reacting with a
Modifications of peptide compositions to increase stability...
Modified α-MSH peptides and derivatives thereof