Gels for encapsulation of biological materials
Gels for encapsulation of biological materials
Geminin and Orc3N inhibit replication of herpesviruses,...
Geminin gene and protein
Geminivirus-based gene expression system
Geminivirus-based gene expression system
Geminivirus-based gene expression system
Gender determination of avian embryo
Gene Cry7ba1 encoding an insecticidal crystal protein of...
Gene 763 of phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea and...
Gene alteration in the gene for the Gβ3-subunit of the...
Gene amplification
Gene amplification assay for detecting tumor promoters
Gene amplification in cancer
Gene amplification in eukaryotic cells
Gene amplification methods
Gene amplification methods
Gene and gene structure coding for an aminotransferase, and micr
Gene and gene structure coding for an aminotransferase, and micr