Transcriptional regulatory factor
Transducin beta-1 subunit
Transfected cells containing plasmids having genes oriented in o
Transfection of enteric parasites
Transferrin binding proteins of Pasteurella haemolytica and...
Transferrin receptor genes
Transferrin receptor genes of Moraxella
Transferrin-binding protein 1 (TBP1) gene of Actinobacillus...
Transformant producing substance PF1022, and method for transfor
Transformation of phaffia rhodozyma
Transformation systems for the yeast candida utilis and the expr
Transformed cells useful for the control of pests
Transformed industrial bacillus strains and methods for making a
Transformed industrial bacillus strains and methods for making a
Transformed myeloma cell-line and a process for the expression o
Transformed Pichia expressing the pertactin antigen
Transforming growth factor .alpha.H1
Transforming growth factor .alpha.HI
Transgenic organisms with lower growth temperature
Transgenic production of antibodies in milk