Recombinant rabbit tissue factor
Recombinant rabbit tissue factor based prothrombin time reagent
Recombinant retinoblastoma-associated protein 1 (E2F-1) polypept
Recombinant Sendai virus
Recombinant streptavidin-metallothionein chimeric protein...
Recombinant subunit vaccine
Recombinant swinepox virus
Recombinant systems for expression of cholera B-sub-unit with th
Recombinant systems for expression of cholera B-subunit with the
Recombinant systems for expression of the cholera B-sub-unit wit
Recombinant techniques for production of human brain natriuretic
Recombinant template used for producing a carboxy-terminal...
Recombinant thermostable enzyme which releases trehalose from no
Recombinant thermostable enzyme which releases trehalose...
Recombinant thrombin receptors and assays using them
Recombinant trichosanthin and coding sequence
Recombinant vaccine against Marek's disease
Recombinant vaccinia viral vectors
Recombinant vaccinia virus containing a chimeric gene having...