High speed, consecutive batch or continuous, low effluent...
Highly fermentable, high maltose, non-crystallizing starch conve
Hybrid alpha-glucoside transporter
Hybrid mushroom strain J9277 and its descendants
Identification of Candida cell surface proteins and their...
Immuno-stimulating polysaccharide substance from Phellinus...
Immunostimulatory and metastasis inhibiting fermented...
Incubation method for obtaining solid culture of Zang Zhi,...
Industrial yeast comprising an integrated glucoamylase gene
Inhibiting plant pathogens with an antagonistic microorganism(s)
Inhibition of protein degradation in living cells with dipeptide
Inhibition of trichothecene toxins by ancymidol
Inhibitor of cell proliferation and methods of use thereof
Instant dry yeast for use in frozen dough-baking process
Isolate of Antrodia camphorata process for producing a...
Isolate of antrodia camphorata, process for producing a...
Isolated cultures of microorganisms of Clonostachys Cylindrospor
Isolated cultures of Pestalotiopsis funerea IFO 5427 and Pestalo
Kluyveromyces strains metabolizing cellulosic and...
L-arabinose fermenting yeast