Bacteriophages that infect Bacillus bacteria (Anthrax)
Bacteriophages that infect Bacillus bacteria (Anthrax)
Baculovirus expression vectors and recombinant antigens for dete
Base dissociation assay
Bifunctional DNA-protein conjugating agent
Binding moieties for human parvovirus B19
Binding molecules for human factor VIII and factor VIII-like...
Bioassay for reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Biodegradable particle coatings having a protein covalently immo
Biological indicators and their use
Biological system for constructing and testing viral vaccines
Biologically active reagents prepared from carboxy-containing po
Bioluminescent biosensor device
Black creek canal hantavirus and related methods
Boraadamantane compounds for the treatment of pathogenic...
Borna disease viral sequences, diagnostics and therapeutics for
Borna disease virus-specific DNA and proteins
Bovine viral diarrhea virus serum antigen capture
Branched hybrid and cluster peptides effective in diagnosing and
Bridge immunoassay