Identification and use of antiviral compounds that inhibit...
Identification and use of antiviral compounds that inhibit...
Identification of a novel retrovirus associated with primary...
Identification of a novel retrovirus associated with primary...
Identification of a transforming fragment of herpes simplex...
Identification of enantiomeric ligands
Identification of human allergens and T-lymphocyte antigens...
Identification of microbial polynucleotides expressed during...
Identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species
Identification of nucleotides, amino acids, or carbohydrates by
Identification of oligonucleotides for the capture,...
Identification of viral agents in breast ducts and antiviral...
Identification of viral associated immunoreactants in biological
Identification, purification and detection of WSBV...
Identifying and characterizing genes
Identifying and characterizing genes
Idiotype and anti-idiotype antibodies useful in virus detection
IM peptides
Imidazole leuco dye composition containing 4'-hydroxyacetanilide
Immortal avian cell line to grow avian and animal viruses to pro