Regulation of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β)...
Regulator of contact-mediated hemolysin
Relating to assay systems
Release of intracellular material
Release of intracellular material and the production...
Remotely programmable matrices with memories
Remotely programmable matrices with memories
Remotely programmable matrices with memories and uses thereof
Removal of molecular assay interferences
Renal cancer associated antigens and uses therefor
Renaturation, reassociation, association and hybridization...
Renilla GFP mutants with increased fluorescent intensity...
Repeat polymorphism in the frataxin gene and uses therefore
Repetitive DNA sequence specific for mycobacterium tuberculosis
Repetitive DNA sequence specific for mycobacterium tuberculosis
Replica amplification of nucleic acid arrays
Replication initiator protein complex and methods of use thereof
Replication protein
Replicative RNA reporter systems
Replicative RNA reporter systems