Identification of a new Ehrlichia species from a patient sufferi
Identification of a new ehrlichia species from a patient...
Identification of a novel gene underlying familial spastic...
Identification of a region of the major surface glycoprotein...
Identification of activators and inhibitors of sebum formation
Identification of africanized honey bees
Identification of allele specific nucleic acid sequences by hybr
Identification of alleles
Identification of and cloning a mobile transposon from Aspergill
Identification of apolipoprotein H mutations and their...
Identification of asthma patients who are candidates for effecti
Identification of biological (micro) organisms by detection...
Identification of canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency in dogs
Identification of compounds affecting specific interaction of pe
Identification of compounds modulating protein/cell membrane ass
Identification of congenital stationary night blindness in dogs
Identification of differentially expressed genes
Identification of differentially methylated and mutated nucleic
Identification of disease predictive nucleic acids
Identification of DNA-damaging substances by means of cell lines