Self-quenching homofluorophore compositions for detecting...
Sequencing of oligosaccharides
Sequencing of oligosaccharides: the reagent array-electrochemica
Sequestering of glycoprotein molecules and oligosaccharide...
Serine protease genes related to DPPIV
Silent marker for an oil product and associated detection...
Simultaneous detection of metabolic enzyme activity and...
Sodium activation of amylase
Solid phase enzyme kinetics screening in microcolonies
Solid phase enzyme kinetics screening in microcolonies
Specific chromogenic enzyme substrates
Specific inhibitors of hyaluronidase 2, and methods of...
Sperm motility assay and devices
Stabilization of cholinesterase, detector kit using stabilized c
Stabilization of T4 endonuclease V
Stabilized sarcosine oxidase preparation
Stable chromogenic substrate mixture of indoxyl phosphate and te
Stable isotope, site-specific mass tagging for protein...
Stable mixture for the detection of alkaline phosphatase contain
Stable phosphatase substrate composition