Meiotic recombination in vivo of partially homologous DNA...
Meningeal-derived stem cells
Mesenchymal precursor cell
Mesenchymal precursor cell
Mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair
Metabotropic glutamate receptor protein and nucleic acid
Metal binding compounds and their use in cell culture medium...
Metal binding proteins and associated methods
Metalocarboxypeptidase inhibitors and derived molecules used...
Metastatic melanoma cell lines from monodelphis domestica for us
Method and apparatus for augmenting mass transfer in a rotating
Method and apparatus for co-culturing cells
Method and apparatus for cultivating a cell or tissue
Method and apparatus for cultivating anchorage dependent monolay
Method and apparatus for cultivating multipotent stem cells
Method and apparatus for culturing cells and tissues
Method and apparatus for growing biomass particles
Method and apparatus for preparing and culturing cells
Method and apparatus for preparing composite skin replacement
Method and apparatus for preparing monolayers of cells