Optical fiber launch coupler
Optical fibre cable and a method of manufacture
Optical fibre couplers
Optical packages including fiber seals
Optical plane circuit with an optical coupler and a method for m
Optical star coupler and the method of making
Optical star coupler with a planar mixer element
Optical transmission cable with messenger
Optical waveguide including superstrate of niobium or silicon ox
Optically monitoring the thickness of a depositing layer
Optically monitoring the undercutting of a layer being etched
Optimized stress and strain distribution diaphragms
Optoelectronic device package method
Orbital chemical milling
Organic preclean for improving vapor phase wafer etch uniformity
Organic thin film controlled molecular epitaxy
Organometallic compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organometallic compounds
Orientation control of float-zone grown TiC crystals