Planar high temperature superconductor filters with backside cou
Planar Josephson device with a silver salt interlayer
Planar multi-resonator bandpass filter
Planar squid magnetometer with inductively coupled microstrip re
Planar squid of oxide superconductor
Plasma assisted oxidation of perovskites for forming high temper
Plasma based method for production of superconductive oxide laye
Plasma etch of masked superconductor film
Plasma-assisted deposition process for producing a thin layer on
Plasma-enhanced CVD of oxide superconducting films by utilizing
Plasma-enhanced CVD of oxide superconducting films by utilizing
Plastically deformable high temperature superconductive material
Plastics composition containing superconductors
Plural channel superconducting filter circuit having release...
Plural-mode stacked resonator filter including superconductive m
Polycrystalline thin film and method of producing the same...
Porous ceramic high temperature superconductors and method...
Powder containing thallium, calcium, barium and copper
Precipitation process for forming Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducto
Precursor composites for oxygen dispersion hardened silver sheat