Amorphous write-read optical storage memory
Bottom antireflective coatings through refractive index modifica
Fabricating of integrated optics
Femtosecond laser writing of glass, including borosilicate,...
Formation of bulk refractive index structures
Image sensor and method for manufacturing the same
Integrated optic components
Latent image thick refractive index recordings
Manufacturing method of optical diffraction grating element with
Marking method and marking apparatus using multiple photon...
Method for forming optical pattern in porous glass
Method for forming optically active waveguides
Method for forming pattern, and optical element
Method for forming pattern, and optical element
Method for manufacturing phase gratings of a combination pattern
Method for providing high-intensity optical patterns in glass
Method of forming a mirror in a waveguide
Method of forming resist pattern
Method of producing light control plate which induces scattering
Methods of fabricating grating assisted coupler devices