Magic mirror hot spot tracker
Magnetic focused microchannel plate image intensifier having dyn
Magnetic scanning or positioning system with at least two...
Magnetic tape processing method and magnetic tape processing...
Maintaining optical signals in prescribed alignment with respect
Mark protection with transparent film
Masks for a double-side exposure machine
Material characteristics measuring methods and devices
Maximum power tracking solar power system
Means for protecting optical focal plane sensor arrays...
Measurement of current-voltage characteristic curves of...
Measurement-diverse speckle imaging
Measurements using balanced illumination optical microscopy
Measuring apparatus, exposure apparatus and device...
Measuring configuration and method for measuring a critical...
Measuring process and arrangement for the three-dimensional posi
Mechanism and method for correcting trembling of focused image
Media for enhanced optical auto-focus performance and...
Medical laser calibration system and method
Method and a device for measuring the spatially averaged...