Vapor-phase hydration of olefins to alcohols in series reactors
Vapor-phase hydrogen transfer reaction of carbonyl compound with
Vapor-phase hydrogenation of maleic anhydride to tetrahydrofuran
Vapor-phase hydrogenation of maleic anhydride to tetrahydrofuran
Vapor-phase intramolecular dehydration reaction of alkanolamines
Vapour phase hydrogenation of esters
Varenicline tosylate, an intermediate in the preparation...
Variable region gene of heavy/light chain of anti-human...
Variable region of the monoclonal antibody against HBV...
Variable region of the monoclonal antibody against the HBV...
Variable region of the monoclonal antibody against the HBV...
Variant cleavage stimulation factor and its encoding nucleic...
Variant luteinizing hormone encoding DNA
Variant of LAV viruses
Variant of LAV viruses
Variant polynucleotide for increasing L-proline production
Variant somatotropin-encoding DNA
Variant tax gene of bovine leukemia virus
Variants of beta-glucosidase
Variants of human glycoprotein hormone alpha chain:...