Mouse models of human prostate cancer progression
Mutation in the rat adenomatous polyposis coli gene within...
Non-human animal exhibiting bone metastasis of tumor cells
Non-human animal exhibiting bone metastasis of tumor cells
Non-human animal exhibiting bone metastasis of tumor cells...
Non-human animal model for systemic lupus erythematosis
Non-Transgenic nonhuman model for Alzheimer's Disease...
Non-transgenic rodent model of alzheimer's disease
Non-traumatic model for neurogenic pain
Non-traumatic model for neurogenic pain
Nude mouse model for the growth and treatment of human...
Ovariectomized mouse model for human menopause
Pathogenic Tau mutations in transgenic mice
Perlecan transgenic animals and methods of identifying...
Population of Hoxb8 mutants and uses in identifying agents...
Propagation of human hepatocytes in non-human animals
Rodent model for Parkinson's Disease
Rodent models of human amyloidoses
SCID mouse engrafted with human synovium tissue
Sulfonylurea receptor trangenic rodents