Metastasis models using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a...
Metastasis models using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a...
Metastasis models using green fluorescent protein as a marker
Method for screening for agents against cancer using an...
Method for selecting a transgenic mouse model of...
Method for the production of in vivo model of hepatocellular...
Method of constructing heart failure model animal
Methods of simulating human prostate cancer progression
Mice models of human prostate cancer
Mice models of human prostate cancer progression
Mice models of human prostate cancer progression
Mice models of human prostate cancer progression
Model animal with overexpression of regucalcin
Model animal with overexpression of regucalcin
Model for chronic cerebral inflammation by intracerebral...
Model mouse of Alzheimer's disease expressing FAD APP 716...
Model of infantile spasm syndrome
Models of chronic and acute inflammatory diseases
Mouse developing visceral fat type obesity and diabetes
Mouse model for rheumatoid arthritis