Microprocessor with automatic name generation including performa
Microprocessor with distributed clock generators
Microprocessor with power saving clock
Microprocessor with selective substrate biasing for...
Microprocessor with substrate bias clamps
Microprocessors with emission control
Microstructure including a circuit integrated in a substrate...
Mid supply reference generator
Midpoint potential generating circuit for use in a...
Midpoint potential generating circuit for use in a...
Midpoint potential generating circuit for use in a...
Miller effect-based delay circuit
Miniature RF stripline linear phase filters
Minimal headroom, minimal area multi-terminal current steering c
Minimizing effects of switching noise in mixed signal chips
Minimizing noise in data channels implemented using...
Minimizing non-linearity errors
Minimizing the effect of clock skew in bit line write driver
Minimizing the effect of clock skew in precharge circuit
Minimum pulse width detection and regeneration circuit