Optically isolated line voltage sensing circuit
Optically measuring electric field intensities
Optically powered resonant integrated microstructure...
Optically stable, large time bandwidth acousto-optic heterodyne
Optics landing system and method therefor
Optics landing system and method therefor
Optimal determination of signals affected by interference or dis
Optimal drive frequency selection in electrical tomography
Optimal excitation pulse shaping for multi-frequency...
Optimize parallel testing
Optimized channel controller for NMR apparatus
Optimized channel controller for NMR apparatus
Optimized gradient coils and shim coils for magnetic resonance s
Optimized method for prevention of foldover artifacts in...
Optimized MRI gradient system for providing minimum-duration...
Optimized MRI strip array detectors and apparatus, systems...
Optimized MRI strip array detectors and apparatus, systems...
Optimized orthogonal gradient technique for fast...
Optimized pin assignment with constraints
Optimized signal to noise ratio