Gated solid state FET relay
Gated transmission circuit (on-chip)
Gated transmission line model structure for characterization of
Gating circuit for combining series and parallel connected FETs
Gating circuit with spurious signal prevention means
Generalized performance power optimized PLA circuits
Generating electrical pulses
Generator for generating control voltage waveform
Generator for producing a sawtooth and a parabolic signal
Generator for producing multiple signals which are synchronous w
Generator of drive signals for transistors connected in a half-b
Generator of periodial signals, in particular for switch-mode po
Generator of reset pulses upon the rise of the power supply for
Germanium coated microbridge and method
Glitch detector
Glitch eliminating data selector
Glitch eliminator circuit for TTL transparent latch
Glitch filter circuit
Glitch free clock select
Glitch free power-up for a programmable array