Low latency input-output interface
Low latency queue pairs for I/O adapters
Low latency send queues in I/O adapter hardware
Low noise blockdown converter
Low overhead I/O interrupt
Low overhead, data transparent synchronization of streaming...
Low power CD-ROM player with CD-ROM subsystem for portable...
Low power CD-ROM player with CD-ROM subsystem for portable...
Low power CD-ROM player with CD-ROM subsystem for portable...
Low power keyboard with power supply switch that is activated by
Low protocol, high speed serial transfer for intra-board or...
Low speed serial bus protocol and circuitry
Low voltage differential SCSI bus interconnect system having...
Low-power audio CD player for portable computers
Lower address line prediction and substitution
Lowering display power consumption by dithering brightness
LPC configuration sharing method
LPC/ISA bridge and its bridging method